August 28, 2013

The Cat

Mike Baker is back and his blog "Monday Artday" offers new challenge. My contribution to "Cats" is here.

August 26, 2013

Le Bouquet de Cosmos

My contribution to A nos pinceaux blog, watercolor, 30x40cm.

August 22, 2013

Brushes and Zygocactus

Quick sketch from life, 30x40cm size, acrylic paint. Acrylic is new to me and feels like guache, too chalky (or maybe I used too much white when mixing the colors, following my practices in oil) and dull.
But if I use it for multi-colored background on my sketchbook's pages, acryl should work fine, I am sure.

August 20, 2013

Zinnia and Cabbage

Now I catch inspiration at my parent's summer house, in the middle of the woods.
I drew veins of the leaves with yellow oil pastel stick.

August 18, 2013

Sand of Cirali

 My last sketch in the "Cirali, Turkey" series.

August 16, 2013


How to paint power and energy of the sea, hidden behind calming monotony? I do not know.

August 15, 2013

Cirali, Turkey

I keep posting sketchbook pages with Cirali views.

August 14, 2013

Fabriano Venezia Sketchbook

15x23cm size version of Fabriano Venezia is my new sketchbook. I started it with Cirali, Turkey sketches a month ago and can say that it is very good for watercolor and pencil and ink; paper can stand rubbing and overlayering and other sorts of humiliation very stoically.
I recommend! (photo from Fabriano website).

August 11, 2013


Last pages of the sketchbook-2013!
The upper sketch is copy of 2010 watercolor of F.M.Marrouch (here) done with the only brush and two colors, ultramarine blue and burnt sienna.
In 2010 I was impressed by this painting and had no idea how it was executed. Now, 3 years later, seems like I know)))

Sketch below is inspired by photo, again of 2010, and I have no clue about the author.
And at last I feel fed up with copying of masters' works for the time being.

August 9, 2013

Another Sketchbook is Almost Done

Almost last pages in my sketchbook and last photos from 2010 saved to my "art" folder to admire and to copy-paint.

I am sorry I do not remember the sources, and google image search does not help(.

August 6, 2013

Cirali, Turkey

Turkey is still on my mind and I keep sketching the memories. 

Again I try to copy masters' works. Today it was July Hill's kiwi, published in her blog in August 2010. I could not find the original photo in her post, but please visit her art gallery (here) and you will not be disappointed.
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