September 29, 2009


Today I received a letter informing that I am featured artist at Art instruction blog and my lilies are at the front page! I just can not believe and want to share! I am a celebrity, a celebrity! :-)))
Мой рисунок "Лилии" помещен на первую страницу сайта для художников  Artistinstructionblog! Вот она, слава! Накрывает.


  1. And so well deserved! This is beautiful, Irina. Very painterly and accomplished:-)


  2. Hi Irina. Congratulations on the recognition! Your lilies painting is beautiful, and shows very good technique! I was also impressed by the one you did of pears, and by others I glimpsed at past postings on your blog. Your enthusiasm is contagious! Happy painting! --Marcio


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