October 23, 2009

Birthday Present

Today is my birthday and I have got the message from talanted artist Teresa Palomar. She decided to honour me with Kreative Blogger Award, thank you Teresa, I am so pleased!
7 facts about me (which will be difficult) and 7 creative bloggers I would choose to pass the award to (even more difficult, as there are so many talanted people around!):
1 - I am much more listener then talker.
2 - Watercolors opened in me the world which I could not imagine ever existed. 
3 - My Georgian half is much stronger then my Russian half. Though I first time visited Georgia when I was 14 and now visit only once a year for a week, that relatives are my soulmates.
4 - I am single and always was happy with it. Only now I'm starting doubting that it is right.
5 - The left side of my blog screen (the blogs I follow) became more interesting then my own blogging, people are so talanted, content, different and interesting, besides, I found real friends.
6 - This year I quited my office job and started working on my own; result - happy and nervous and happy again.
7 - I am optimist, love to laught, love partying with my friends, sunny days, sweets and cakes, painting.

Creative bloggers and talanted artists. 
Gry . Her photos make me stop breathing and run for my painting kit.
Stephen Hall . He was the first commentor in my blog, I will never forget his kind reaction. Superartist.
Lolly-jolly. This girls' blog is an energetic drink.
Beckie Saar Leone. Her every new painting surprises me so much.
Masmoulin. Huge amount of information.
Marcio Correa. I feel every his painting, as if I draw them by myself.
Nathan Fowkes. I am sure he does not care about this choice of mine, but I need to show my highest appreciation of his talent.
Why only 7 people :-))???


  1. Happy Birthday, Irina! Many happy returns!

  2. Hello Irina,
    I'm really flattered that you thought of ais given me that award.
    I thank you most sincerely.
    I take this opportunity to tell the distinction was firt made to you is enterely deserved.
    You have indeed a very nice blog
    I'll repeat my friendship
    Bonjour Irina,
    Je suis vraiment flatté que tu ais pensé à moi pour attribuer cette récompense.
    Je t'en remercie très sincèrement.
    J'en profite pour te dire que cette distinction qui a été d'abord faite à toi est tout à fait méritée.Tu as en effet un très joli blog.
    Je te redis toute mon amitié

  3. Hello Irina,
    I'm really flattered that you thought of ais given me that award.
    I thank you most sincerely.
    I take this opportunity to tell the distinction was firt made to you is enterely deserved.
    You have indeed a very nice blog
    I'll repeat my friendship
    Bonjour Irina,
    Je suis vraiment flatté que tu ais pensé à moi pour attribuer cette récompense.
    Je t'en remercie très sincèrement.
    J'en profite pour te dire que cette distinction qui a été d'abord faite à toi est tout à fait méritée.Tu as en effet un très joli blog.
    Je te redis toute mon amitié

  4. Congratulations, hope you had a nice birthday!
    And thank you so much for the price, it`s an honour!

    I had to stay here and look at your paintings. They are beautiful and you are very talented. Certainly you are much more kreative than me!

  5. I had no idea it was your birthday, well HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!

    thanks for sharing those 7 things about you, it's good getting to know you a bit better, I'll check those other 7 bloggers asap :)


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