October 4, 2009




  1. Thanks for commenting on my painting, Irina! Your bottles are lovely and you've succeeded quite beautifully with your transparency. Love the colors!

  2. it's lovely. i can feel it's really a glass and the colors are so pure i love it

  3. Irina, thanks so much for visiting my blog and signing up as a follower.
    Yes, watercolor is hard. I think it's the hardest of all the mediums since watercolor seems to have a life of it's own. All I've been able to do is try and control it sometimes. I think you're off to a great start and have already discovered some of the wonders of watercolor. I wish you many enjoyable days discovering something new about watercolor
    Best wishes,

  4. I agree with Doug - you have found something with watercolors. Watercolor has an aesthetic all its own. When you take it on seriously you become a student for life I think., Beautiful painting.

  5. Hey Irina, just wanted to tell you that I've included you among the 7 bloggers I want to pass on the Kreative Blogger Award, probably you've already heard about it, it's simple, just post 7 things about you and pass it on to 7 bloggers that you find worthy of it, of course it's not mandatory so if you don't feel like doing it or doing just part of it it's ok.

  6. Thank you Gary!
    And thank you Teresa!
    Thank you for encorouging and interest.


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