March 3, 2010

EDM # 8 Piece of Jewelry

Big mistake here. I need to make photo before I add color. This piece looked like really realistic drawing before I mixed my paints :-)). I added white acryl (my first tube of acryl ever) to check how  it would look like above my ruined watercolors. Looks very good, could not add more damage.
The EDM # 8 task to draw a piece of jewelry turned into still life. It consists of violet Chinese jewelry box, bottle of perfume and my metal beads (good painting turns even better when text explanation about  what you see is added:-)) 


  1. The line drawing looks really good indeed Irina, but don't worry to much for not taking a photo before adding the paint, it looks really good after adding color, nice textures all around, good job! I'm enjoying your sketches a lot

  2. Hi Irina, this is a very creative and personal work. Me gusta tu búsqueda al combinar distintos materiales. Lovely!

  3. Sorry, I mixed Spanish and English.
    "I like your search by combining different materials".
    Good weekend!

  4. Teresa, thank you! Your comments make me strong.
    Carmen, thank you. You comment shows me that I need to be more easy with my works, not to be too serious!


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