March 7, 2010

EDM # 9

EveryDayMatters # 9: Draw a bit of organised chaos.
My painting tray. All necessary stuff is collected in one place. Watercolours, brushes, small sheets of paper, paper towel, masking fluid, tube of white acryl, cup of white gouache.
I can hardly see any chaos here :-)). But this is me, I always try to order stuff and usually feel uncomfortable in any chaos.


  1. You are so organized. No chaos here. The sketch is wonderful!!

    Have a great day!!

  2. Thank you, Manon! That is why I started drawing, there were no more chaos around me and it was difficult to live :-))

  3. Hi Irina! Send me a message the next time you want to see chaos. I'll make photos of my studio work area - or the entire studio - and you'll never worry about chaos again! :-) Very nice sketch, by the way. White acrylic with water colors? I'll have to try that!

    Warm regards
    Ken B/

  4. Ken,
    :-)))), chaos is one of the big_talent's features. One of my friends adviced me to use acryl instead of white guache for white areas in watercolour.


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