March 23, 2010


As my dear friend Ken (his blog here) commented: "I much prefer the coloured posts". I completely agree! But these weeks it is so much to do in the office, that I can find only half an hour for the lovely activity. Drawing  is faster, plus it keeps my hand in shape. And it does not prefer natural lighting.
When I did my class with sepia still-life (posted few days ago), I could not understand why I did not use red instead of sepia. In monochromatic Moscow spring I miss color red so much!
This little tulip is my salvation. Though the piece is done in cold red, it fills me with energy and joy.


  1. Irina, WOW! When you choose color, you REALLY CHOOSE color! :-) I, too, am looking forward to warm(er) weather. As you know we had 5 inches of snow two days ago. Today all snow is gone except the large piles where I cleared the walks.

    I'm going to TRY using my colored pencils. (My watercolors apparently don't work for me) I'm impatient with learning "new" (for me) media.

    Keep up all of your good works but and less office works. :-)
    Ken B.

  2. Hi Irina, I'm enjoying your artwork very much.
    I was wondering if it would be alright with you, if I post your landscape painting that you did of my photo on my blog? It is the one you have posted here on January 6. I would post it with the picture that I took and tell about your blogs and artwork. Just let me know if it is ok by leaving a comment on my blog. Thank you, Judy

  3. Thank you, Irina. I will post it on Saturday 27th of March.

    The trick to getting the shot of the lizzard is to be quick and not let your shadow fall on it. When a shadow falls on them they run too fast.

  4. Wow! Love the color and love the look of your blog!! It's great!!

  5. wonderful job my friend,
    jan :)

  6. Hi Irina...I've been scrolling down through the most recent posts on this blog and I'm very pleased. I knew you were an artist, but it's so nice to see more of your work! Excellent. I shall be back often!

  7. Ken, do not tell me about the snow, please :-)) I tried pencils, they are too fine for me, I love wide brushes.

    Manon, it is amazing how you always find time and right words! Thank you.

    Jan, thank you! and Welcome!

    Jacob, glad to see you here. I always welcome your funny and sharp comment!

    No, friends, I am not that overemotional exclamator, as you may think (four exclamation marks in three words :-))). I am so glad to see you here (exclamation mark deleted).

  8. You are a true artist Irina!

  9. Irina, I love your photoblog. It's great to keep a special record of where you've been and there's no other way that's as special to record it than using your own art to do it. Come visit me at So fun to meet an artist from Russia. I live in Utah, U. S. A.

  10. I have just signed up to follow this blog after discovering it as a result of your water color posted on Jarart's Prescott, Arizona, area Daily Photo. I have followed your Moscow Daily Photo site for quite some time and am delighted to discover your art.

    I visited Moscow in 1968, when I was in high school, and treasure my memories of it. I will return with my wife one day.

  11. Gry, thank you!!!

    Julie, blogging is a wonderful time being for sure, I finish here and go to see your blog.

    Dave, I like to read your comments in our blog and in the blogs of my friends. Welcome!


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