August 9, 2010

The Vacation, Conclusion

About my friends.
Ken Barclay, "Shurok"

This painting was created by my friend Ken (click to see his blog). I lost my cat this January and Ken painted him for me, exactly when this support was so very needed. Besides, Ken wanted to sent the painting to Russia. I was afraid that Russian post would lose it, so Ken sent this generous present to my relatives in NY and I saw and touched it only this July. And you know, it is such a cure to look at my Shurok with Ken's eyes. Thank you, friend!
David L.Christy, "Portrait"

I participated in Karin Jurick's "Different Strokes" challenges and we painted portraits of random painter-participant in December. And David L.Christy (click to see his site) did my portrait. And he was generous to offer to send it to me. What a honor! For same reason I asked him to send it to NY. And touched it first time two weeks ago. The portrait is great. I am such a beauty there :-))

About workshop.
J.Rogers, "Flower"

They are openhearted.
Janet, I remember how your were pulling the heavy metal easel to make me feel comfortable during speed figure painting; how you worried that I will not be prized when we were dicing the after-workshop presents. And I won (at least you said so). Now I have the flower, drawn by Janet Rogers and Cheap Joe's brush - Joe Miller signatures Series 50/50 (it is great, I tried it yesterday!) . And brushes, papers, paints, whatever I asked for or did not ask at all. Thank you!

Linda, our talks were so short in time, I am sorry, you were so busy. But you shared great ideas and maybe planned my future. I wish so much your important work and financing of fine arts study and art center would be OK.

Moe, you are such a pleasure to talk to, nicest and kindest Moe, thank you for being such a patient model during our training.

People are the main wealth of any country. The USA are really wealthy, believe me. The man always fears the unknown, as soon as you start to learn the subject of your fear, you win the battle against it. And blogging, internet are priceless, as they help us to realize what a small thing this planet is, how we are small and connected, that we have same wishes, problems, fears. (Well, looks like I have breathed too much carbon and my smoky brain became too philosophical ;-)))


  1. I have liked Ken's work.. this one here is another of his beautiful works, isnt it? That portrait! wow, you look stunning.. I mean well captured as you are :-)
    My experience with USA is similar and I relate to how you feel Irina!

  2. Padmaja, I am glad you think the same. I have just added captures to the paintings, to make clear my post.

  3. Irina, I'm really pleased that you're happy with the portrait of Shurok and that you and the painting are safely home. Hopefully the weather will cool and the air will clear up soon. Your DSFDF portrait IS beautiful! The dimensions are really cool as well.

    Ken B.


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