September 23, 2010

Figure Drawing 2

My next two attempts to draw human figure. I am happy about the sepia boy and unhappy about the boat trippers, so the balance is kept. I downloaded these photos so long ago that can not trace the authors now. And very sorry about that. On the other hand my sketches have no commercial value, so maybe me is not such big criminal.

Georgia, November 2009
The photo of the day is the image of little Georgian village church. It was the foggy day in November 2009 when I took this picture. Great photo reference for painting, right? I can send you the high resolution image if you interested.


  1. I wish could do something beautiful like these just with a watercolor kit! And if you don't mind I'm interested in the HR image of this amazing scene! Thanks in advance.

  2. Ciao Irina,complimenti,sono tutti e due molto belli,il primo in modo particolare,nel secondo la canoa sembra un pò sproporzionata,ma nell'insieme è piacevole.
    Bella la foto del castello in Georgia,posso provare a dipingerlo? mi manderesti la foto a risoluzione piena?

  3. If you get one good painting and one bad, you're doing well at 50% success!! More than I'm doing, I think :( Love the sepia figure - so nicely done and left so much white. And the photo is lovely. Are you going to paint it?

  4. Dear Irina,
    All your works are charming! Your drawings have a mood, which capture me. Colors are lovely. Please be kind to yourself.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  5. Carraol, thank you!
    Francesco, the disproportions of boat is not the only problem there)))
    Rhonda, thank you! I will paint it, someday. There are so many ideas for painting all around, wish I have 48 hours in a day!
    Sadami, Thank you!

  6. Hello Irina

    Your work is fantastic...i like it very much,
    so i give you my compliments.
    Keep on that great work.

    greetings from Holland, Joop

  7. I love the picture of the boy and how you've captured his body language and his attitude towards the water. Well done!

  8. Thank you very much for your visit. Your blog is wonderfull, especially the work of children in sepia. Saludos.

  9. Jane, thank you!
    Joop, thank you very much and welcome!
    Pam, the complements to the photographer!
    Leovi, thank you!


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