October 26, 2010

Birds Again

I painted these two birds yesterday. The first is a copy of the work of the talented watercolorist-blogger. I saved a copy in April 2009 and only now found the courage to repeat. I am so sorry, because I remember that I wrote to the author and asked permission to copy her work. Permission was granted. And now, it took one and a half years, and I can not remember the name of artist. I'm sooo ashamed ...
UPDATED. Sandy Maudlin (link) helped me to find the author. It is Mary Jane Noe (link) and her watercolors are so beautiful and painted by talented hand.

The second bird - my own, although I repeated a lot in the same technique. Limited palette (yellow ochre, burnt sienna, ultramarine blue), the contrast of warm and cool colors, the isolation of the object by darkening the background.
And one more thing. I draw the birds on Daler-Rowney 300gr. and I like the paper very much.
Drawing - it is happiness and joy to the mind and soul ..


  1. I can't remember two weeks ago! :-) Your birds are beautiful! Just curious, do you put your paintings on display in your home or . . . . . ? My paintings are in a stack on a table in the corner of my studio! :-(

    Thanks for sharing your "stuff"!

    Ken B.

  2. I like both of these little birds, Irina. When I have someone else's photo saved, I try to remember to put their name in the title of the photo so, if it takes a while to get to it, I can still remember their name. But it happens - sometimes things go astray. Maybe the blogger will see her bird there and comment.

  3. Enhorabuena Irina,¡son magnificos!, un saludo.

  4. Hi Irina, beautiful watercolors, you are very good, and you're right, the design freedom of the mind!


  5. beautiful birds...

    it is helpful to save like "title_artist" style, for future reference...


  6. Looks a lot like MAry Jane Noe's beautiful work.

  7. Glad that you decided to do it at last, it has come out really well, your own work is also comparable:-)

  8. Ken, thank you! I have the piece of cloth on the wall, about 1x3m (3,5' x 10') where I pin my works, keep loved ones for long, change not that much loved ones often. Personal gallery)).
    Rhonda, thank you! I do the same now. But a year ago I was very sceptical about the blog, thus not attentive enough.
    J.Carlos, thank you!
    Francesco, thank you! I am glad you agree.
    Jyothisethu, thank you!
    Sandy, thank you so much!!! You are right! You helped me and I will edit the post now.
    Padmaja, thank you!

  9. Your birds are so sweet, Irina! I love them!

  10. Your bird has an innocence about him. His expression seems curiously staring back at us. Good job! I am glad to help in the learning process. Our struggles in painting are eased when we take good reference photos. Keep on painting.

  11. you've done a good job on both irina just looked at maryjane's wonderful paintings and blog

  12. These birds are great. I especially love the first one - it is so loose that it makes you eye complete the image and I always think that is successful - when your viewer engages like that.
    Nice work :)

  13. Sweety birds Irina, especially the first one. He may sings also very well !


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