October 11, 2010

Still Life with Cucumber

68x48 (27"x19"), Watercolor on Arches

Done in drawing class (4 Saturdays, 2 hours each with tea and candies between the sessions). It is big and I feel good about the result.

Photo of the day is small yard in Dubrovnik, Croatia.


  1. Beautiful still life that seems alive! :-)



  2. Irina, your sketches and painings reflects your intense inspiration those days, and what a beautiful pictures in your lasts posts, I like them very much.
    Thanks for all the interesting links, I really enjoy them.

  3. BRAVA! You've made a wonderful painting! WOW! The folds of the cloth, the perspective all beautifully done . . . More, more! :-)

    Maybe the photo would make a painting?

    Ken B.

  4. Thank you Francesco!
    Silvia, I am glad you like them all)
    Ken, thank you! Yes, my CanonG10 makes wonders, even when I do my best to ruin everything). But not this time! I really like how the painting turned out, and the colors of the photo are close to true colors.

  5. You should feel awesome about your painting. Everything turned out beautifully and I love the cloth and the color you chose for the background.

  6. This huge and exciting, the composition is so well balanced. I loved the contrast with the back ground.

  7. Beautiful and, yes, you should feel proud. I like the photograph too. Will you be painting that next. It seems like an ideal place to set up and paint.

  8. Beautiful work, the composition of the objects displayed and its soft tonalities are perfect!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Manon, thank you! My teacher told me that the background is "too much", but I needed to add "myself" to this class work))
    Padmaja, thank you! As I see the background thing works great)))
    Pat, thank you so much, I am so busy these days, no time for painting and I am so sorry about that, but I will paint it. Sometime!
    Carraol, thank you, friend!


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