January 10, 2011

Closed Door

A4, Strathmore watercolor sketchbook

This sparrow was great fun. I did the value studies, used the "cool light-warm shadows" rule (in some spots) and almost ruined the tail decoration. The image and inspiration came from the blog of my friend, Abraham Lincoln (the presidents' cousin and famous blogger) (click the link to his "Bird's blog").
A4, Lana paper
The door was great fun too. At least while I was trying to repeat the textures of old walls and wooden surface. I used also watercolor pencils here, to make the walls look rough. But when I finished, I realized that I do not want to look at the closed door, it depresses me))). And that my future doors will be wide open (figuratively and emotionally).
And thanks to JM and his photoblog with fantastic "Decay" series from Oeiras, Portugal (click the link to the blog).

Today my photos are from Greenwich, UK.


  1. I like the little bird, Irina. You put such love into this. Abe will be pleased.

  2. Irena, your little bird is so jaunty and cute. And I like your idea about open doors, perhaps giving us a peek at what's inside - although with a closed door, there could also be a mystery: what lies behind? And love the photos, too. A lot of good stuff in this post - thank you!

  3. Such a sweet little sparrow ...with a nice volume. You are right about the open doors, but doors can be so beautiful , and to truly appreciate their beauty, you have to see them closed! :-) Your door has a lot of atmosphere..a feeling of "once upon a time". I really like it. Hugs.

  4. Oh! que precioso pájaro y la puerta también me gusta, tras ella habrá una gran historia,¡que no te deprima!. Un abrazo.

  5. This beautiful bird, looks real!


  6. Your bird is awesome!!! I also love the door....I've always loved doors.
    Your picture are beautiful. Thank you for sharing!!

  7. Well, thank you for painting my Carolina Wren, Irina. They are tiny birds and very vocal. There are also House Wrens but not quite the same in looks. Your paintings are great. I worked on one watercolor all day yesterday but am ashamed to show it.

  8. Great job on the two paintings! Your watercolors paintings are a joy to see.

    Ken B.

  9. Oh what a cutie! Love that sparrow :)

  10. Great paintings and photos. Congratulations.

  11. irina ...
    you've painted the wren beautiful irina ..beautiful bird blog .... love your photo of the trees irina ..hope you had a good time in london .... jm blog is inspiring ... like the blue greens and pinks of the door .

  12. Oh, this sparrow is so beautiful and tender! Ciao!

  13. Judy, thank you, I love to sketch birds.
    Rhonda, thank you so much. I did not consider doors as future possibilities, they are more like barriers for me. Your point of view can help)). I am glad you like them.
    Jane, thank you. I mixed up the values in door frame, as I see it now. But it was pleasure to study!
    J.Carlos, thank you!
    Francesco, thank you!
    Tim, thank you!
    Manon, you always inspire me.
    Abe, I am so glad you like it. Sorry, I do not know the right names even in Russian, but I learn fast. Thank you!
    Ken, your words are great.
    Maria, thank you!
    Phivos, thank you!
    Jane, I am so glad you liked the links, the guys are so talented, Mr Lincoln is our star. And thank you for the comment.
    Cristina, thank you!

  14. You don't like closed doors! But it's well done! I like the colors and there might be a nice story behind behind them.:-) Your bird also is delightful. Have a nice day Irina, helen


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