January 24, 2011

Tonal Values

50 x 70 cm (27" x 19"), Graphite pencils

My drawing class lesson is finished at last. I could not remember when I started so the blog helped: it took me almost 3 month or 10 lessons.
I went mad in the beginning, because the details never were my strong point. But in the process I started feeling the masochistic joy of preciseness. And the most important, the mystery of tonal values was revealed at last (it happened during the pillow time).
The side effects are the knowledge of parts and pieces of bicycle and the ability to assemble and disassemble it at any moment...
That is exactly how the wall in out drawing studio looks like. The artist rents the office in the old building of candy factory and very happy about these brutal decoration which usually become the unforgettable part of our still lives.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Здорово как! Но и терпение недюжинное надо, хорошая тренировка характера. Смотрится как декоративное панно (если говорить про эффект перспективы, то второй план, как мне кажется, "лезет" вперед - нас бы за это в институте убили - а если про эффект линейности и декоративности, то здорово!)

  3. Irina, this is such an excellent drawing. You astonish me, because just when I start thinking I know ( more or less ) your style, you post something completely different! Your blog is really special and interesting.

  4. This is amazingly good. You learned a lot in just 3 months of classes and I'm looking forward to more. You made me laugh when you said you are "feeling the masochistic joy of preciseness" - what a great description of the process.

  5. Irina, very good sketch with perfect details and right tonal values....only one thing to me looks strange, I do not understand how can this bike stay up....anyway, do not worry, probably are my eyes... Ciao!!

  6. This is a wonderful drawing, Irina! You should be so proud.

  7. An excellent precision work! What patience!
    Brava Irina!:-)


  8. Que gran trabajo! Enhorabuena Irina. Un saludo

  9. Ирина, эта работа действительно впечатляет, я никогда не рисовала на таких больших листах. Сколько труда вложено!
    Получилось замечательно! :)

  10. Dear Irina,
    Wonderful drawing. A master piece. And..when I need help to fix up a bike, I have to ask you!!?
    Cheers, Sadami

  11. VERY GOOD! wow! As the others have already said much better than I could "you've come a long way, baby!" Your works always hold a surprise for me. When I think that I know what you do best, you do something else and more technically proficient and artfully done. You go girl! :-)

    Ken B.

  12. AMAZING...

    Congratulations, Irina, it is a wonderful piece.

  13. A great drawing, Irina, a wonderful realization of your course!

  14. Tim, thank you!
    Катя, спасибо!
    Jane, this is mostly my teacher's style)))
    Rhonda, it were three months of real challenge. It could last for longer, but I told my teacher that I had to finish it or my wings would dry out)))
    Tito, you made me laugh, you were so right! In my desire to finish the drawing asap I forgot the shadows on the pipe, so it looks free standing bicycle now.
    Judy, I am!
    Francesco, thank you. You are right, patience, and no freedom. Learning))
    J.Carlos, thank you!
    Маша, спасибо большое!
    Sadami, thank you! Just call me))
    Ken, thank you so much, friend.
    Yulendys, thank you!
    Cristina, thank you.

  15. excellent drawing irina..very valuable course

  16. At first sight I thougth it was a picture! This is a great drawing. Congratulations Irina.

  17. Fantastic work Irina, parabnéns my dear!


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