January 5, 2011

Trying to draw early spring

A3, Arches, watercolor

It was nice to return to big size paper after my postcards experiments and sketchbook exercises. Was trying to draw early spring in Georgian village, inspired by photo of Jemal Kasradze (link).
I love drawing and painting. Every minute of these actions gives peace to my heart..
New Year Postcard, watercolor

And, in addition, a postcard (I do not want to sound too pathetic. They are also huge fun, drawing and painting.))


  1. I love early spring, and I`ve started a countdown...

    The hare must rest, he(?)has been so busy this christmas!

  2. Irina, this early spring is wonderful! Nice composition and the colors are very harmonious!

  3. Thank you Irina, for that nice burst of Spring! You made me smile!

  4. Countdown!!
    Very beautiful landscape and very funny postcard:-))

    Ciao Irina!

  5. Ира, какая красота! И колорит, и соответственно настроение! А формат? Кажется, что большой.

  6. Spring is still far, but your nice Georgian village, is bringing it more close to us!! Ciao Irina!

  7. This is a lovely early spring scene to enjoy while you wait for the real thing!

  8. Dear Irina,
    The big landscape is really lovely. It's much like a children picture book illustration. Congrats!
    Kind regards, Sadami

  9. Gry, I am laughing))
    Маша, спасибо большое!
    Nancie, I am glad.
    Ciao, Francesco! Thank you!
    Кать, спасибо! А3
    Tito, thank you!
    Judy, you are so kind.
    Sadami, thank you so much.

  10. Amazing
    thank you for sharing


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