October 6, 2011

Nature Mort and other paintings

 I decided to show you in one post all my sketches and drawings of the past week.
First one is the portrait of almost dried roses from the vase. I wanted so much to try to paint dying flowers.
"Still life" translates into Russian in its French version, "Nature Mort" - dead nature. So my painting is "dead nature" literally and philologically.

The second painting is my attempt to copy the masterpiece of J.Zbukvich (the pleasure to see again his paintigs is here). Three layers total, first one - weak wash, second one - mid tones and the third one - darks. It is so easy to be genius (I am ironic, sure that you understand))
Montval paper, 24x32 cm

This sketch was done when I saw in the window two huge colorful objects with interesting shapes.

And then I went to my parents place for the week-end, best place for sketching during warm autumn days.

 This meant to be grapes in braided basket:


  1. Hi Irina! This post is so interesting and rich, it was a pleasure to come by. Cat's pictue is awesome!Wish you a happy creative thursday

  2. Hi Irina. You worked a lot during last week and in my opinion you worked well! Differently from you, I like your "still life" watercolor for the movement of the flowers and the colors you used. To me, also the last one is beautiful. Very nice post! Hugs.

  3. Beautiful sketches, Irina! I like the roses 'still life'. The photo of the berries is magical! You should paint them!

  4. You have been quite busy Irina. I love the tulips and the two last paintings are super, too! You really made a good job.
    And what to say about the photo of the cat ( yours?) licking his mouth...wonderful!!

  5. Looks like quite a lot of learning activities this week! I especially loved the still life studies you did, the washes are painstakingly done and perfect!

  6. Hello Irina,
    Very beautiful watercolors!
    A hug

  7. Irina, very very nice sad flowers!!! Well done:)

  8. Anamaria, thank you so much!
    Thank you Tito!
    Judy, berries looked golden in the sun, photo can not show their impossible beauty!
    Jane, thank you! Cat is not mine, she is watchman's (he watches the territory of the parent's village, about 80 houses). She consider that we all belong to her and allows us to feed her from time to time).
    Padmaja, thank you so much!
    Antonio, you are so attentive!
    Helena, thank you!


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