October 17, 2011


I could manage to do only these two postcard size paintings during the week.
The first one is my contribution to "A Nos Pinceaux" challenge, decided to paint it in F.Ultramarine/BurntSiena with a touch of warm green.

The second one is my follow up of the article in "Wet canvas". The "Foliage Tutorial" spent two years on the shelf and was read and experienced at last on Sunday.
Oh, when looking for the link to the article, I taped "Foliage Tutorial" in "Wet Canvas" search window and got 7 (!) pages of useful links. People, you are so kind and sharing, thank you so much!


  1. Two very different and very beautiful paintings. In the first one you got the sense of distance so well and it is a very calm and 'quiet ' painting, and in the second one we have all the wamth and color of a beautiful garden, so well done.
    Wish you a great week Irina!

  2. They are both very beautiful and soft! I love the second one, very difficult all those different leaves and flowers. You did a great job!

  3. Complete contrast.. the loneliness and togetherness..both are lovely in their own way!

  4. Both are nice, I prefer the first one for its calm atmosphere and simplicity. Well done Irina!

  5. you've done a god job irina on both the challenge and wet canvas lesson

  6. These are two very lovely watercolours, Irina!

  7. So beautiful! The landscape on the first postcard is something I would have liked to photographed!

  8. very nice work...clean colors and beautiful shapes :)

  9. Irina, I left your blog by mistake, please accept me back! I like so much your blog and I want to keep following you. Hugs from Anamaria

  10. Irina, thanks a lot for the nice words you left in my blog, I am new with W atercolor technique s. I think it is a difficult material to manage . I like your work and your country very much and I think I was lucky to have been there t his year . Thanks to your blog I discovered Rookipainter

    Wish you the best for your great work


    Beti Abel

  11. Thank you so much for your wonderful kind and warm comments, friends.
    Jane, I am so glad you like them both.
    Judy, thank you. The greens are a very long road to learn for me..
    Padmaja, I like so much your philosophical approach. Thank you!
    Tito, Jane, Antonio, Michael thank you!
    Gry, your photos are always breathtaking.
    Celeste, Mikko, thank you!
    Anamaria, I am honored, welcome back!
    Beti, welcome! You manage watercolor perfectly and your blog is always full of joy and light.


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