March 13, 2012

Still Life with Cotton Plant

Next still life in graphite from my drawing class. 50x70cm (20"x28")


  1. Very cool still life, and so large! Too bad your saucer/bowl broke, though. :-) ha ha ha

    You and Carolina have been taking classes and you both have really has done well in the classes. KUDOS.

    I need to get down and study and practice, don't I?

    Keep up your good works,

  2. Wow Irina, very good drawing! And large! I hope it it getting warmer in your country!

  3. This reminds me of the cotton fields on the edge of town. Late fall they open. Your drawing is so accurate.

  4. Excellent drawing & shading. Very nice work!

  5. I really admire your sketching Irina, this is a fabulous work ....and so big!!

  6. WOW!! Fantastic work, Irina! Not only is a large drawing, but, and more important, is very well done! Great Job!

  7. What a great drawing. I really like seeing all your pencil marks. I also like the broken plate.

  8. Very masterful drawing, Irina! Really impressive!

  9. Die Zeichnung ist wirklich sehr schön. Ich mag die Schraffuren.
    Grüsse Dich

  10. ...lovely work irina . challenging still life ...what pencil did you use

  11. It is a fabulous job, especially with so many elements put together, you took care of all the details , perfect to the core.. look at the broke piece over there.. amazing!

  12. oh, oh, oh !!!!! wonderful work Irina. Wonderful and lovely.

  13. Ken, thank you! Believe me, practice (specially on everyday basis) can make miracles, I know))

    Judy, thank you! Climate change makes me philosopher - I almost never complain about the weather.

    Thank you, Marti. I have never seen the cotton plants before my still life, only photos of them. You are lucky.

    Thank you, Nancy!

    Jane, it is such a pleasure to have dedicated friends!

    Tito, thank you! It was job, you are so right!

    Thank you my dear Judy!

    Thank you, Carol!

    Thank you, Blaga!

    Janina, thank you and welcome!

    Jane, thank you! I used 5B, 2B, HB, H by Derwent and Faber-Castell. Paper was a challenge - eraser was sliding on it and pencil marks were seen in texture.

    Padmaja, thank you! Out teacher is master of still life arrangements.

    Yulendys, oh oh oh thank you)))!

    Wow, so many exclamation marks in my answer. But your comments really make me happy.


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