November 25, 2012


70x90 O/C
1,5 month passed after my last publication. Looks like it was yesterday. Something happened to the time, for certain, I am not sure that there are still 60 minutes in an hour, maybe half of these minutes are gone.. What's about your time?

Only few works to show to you today. Most of my time I was busy in the office, at home, no interest, energy and time for drawing. I hope this mood will gone away together with November!
The "Folds" oil painting is done in art class, it is 90x70cm. My first experience in painting big.
And few sketches of boats, inspired by this post of John Lovett (here), who made photos of Venetian boats with persistence and attention of a true artist I dream to have.

And the last one is the flower on the windowsill.

Thank you, my dear friends, for your concern and attention to my absence. I promise to be back as soon as my creativity awakes from this protracted hibernation and apathy.

All the best to you!


  1. WElcome back Irina ! Your sketches are always great , you have an excellent eye in capturing something very fast, and your oil painting is....WOW ! A grand rentrée !

  2. irina so good to see a post again ...beautiful tones in the oil painting ...your pen sketches spot on .

  3. Irina you have been missed here, I too often wonder where the hours, days and months slip away on us. It's hard to believe one month to the day it'll be Christmas... YIKES! lol I love your first painting, it's simple yet speaks volumes to me. I'd love to meet the man who owns this hat, I bet he'd have some amazing tales to tell! :-)

    It's fantastic to see your creativity return, and no worries when you're not painting or blogging... sometimes life is just like that.

    Have a wonderful day my friend!

  4. Hello Irina:) Welcome back:) I just had the same experience: no energie for painting. Slowly it's getting better:) Don't talk about time. Every year is going faster. Or do we rush life?
    Anyway: your sketches are amazing, especially the last one. Your folds are very realistic. A beautiful painting! Have a nice week:)

  5. We missed you! Welcome back. I really like your folds painting. Your sketches of boats are terrific as is your windowsill plant. I like the way you used both pages for your plant.

  6. Time IS flying! But you have obviously been making excellent use of it with your art. I think of you, and wish you well, Irina

    Have a Sweet Week -
    Warm Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    ~ > < } } ( ° >

    > < 3 3 3 ( ' >

  7. Nice to have you back in the blogosphere again! Really nice boat sketches i think:)

  8. A magnificent oil painting, Irina! Welcome back in blogland! Inspiration will come back, I'm sure. It's not a bad thing to take a break from art, I know from experience. You'll come back refreshed!

  9. I am glad you are doing fine and back with a beautiful oil painting for us to see!

  10. Welcome back with us, Irina. I would say that all the works you are presenting are really well done, the big painting is absolutely beautiful, as well as the sketches. Take it easy! A hug!

  11. Ha, ha, I know exactly what you're talking about - someone constantly shrinks my hours too! :)
    This oil painting is fantastic! Great work, Irina!

  12. Yes there are definitely not enough hours in the day - and when it's dark at 4pm the days feel so much shorter, I can't do my evening walking in the winter and really miss it, I always enjoy boat drawings and paintings and your oil painting is very well done!

  13. Hi Irina, schön Dich wieder hier zu sehen. Ein Auszeit braucht jeder und es ist auch nötig eine Pause zu machen. Ich habe Dich aber hier vermisst und es ist schon komisch weil die kurzen Internet-Begegnungen die wir hatten sind zu meiner Gewohnheit geworden. Ich schaue mir sehr gerne Deine Arbeiten an. Die sind so vielfältig und auch sehr inspirierend für mich.
    Grüsse Dich;-)

  14. Irina, la extrañé y estaba preocupada por no ver trabajos suyos, me alegro que este bien, muy interesante su trabajo grande y los boceto muy sueltos

  15. Great to see your work again Irina, everything about this painting is so beautiful, the folds of the cloth grabs my attention and holds it for a long time over there!

  16. Sometimes a short time away from painting and drawing gives the mind a needed rest and soon untold creativity will pour forth. Your painting is beautiful - it is so hard to paint drapery and you have certainly succeeded. And, as always, your sketches are crisp and delightful!

  17. Dear Irina, thanks for your kind words on my blog.Like you, I didn't notice time passing and created a gap of more than a month. As I told you, sometimes we need a break! Maybe you're demanding too much of yourself. Painting folds of tissue is very difficult. Your drawings are beautiful!Keep going at you own pace.xx

  18. Nice to see your amazing collections of Painting..... Thank you!Service Apartment Bangalore

  19. Finally I can post a comment on your blog! I wanted to do so since I've discovered your blog, but I couldn't since I started to work with Linux again. Anyway, I really like your sketches of boats!


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