March 23, 2013


My aunt put it straight: "It is time for onions!" And planted three onion bulbs into the flower pot on window -sill. She can not plant them outdoors, it is -12C and show mountains are high out there. Her personal protest action against winter.

It is acrylics (for glass and ceramics, bought in the summer and getting thicker in plastic cans - which explains the texture) in my sketchbook.


  1. I understand the protest of your aunt very well as winter seems to have overstayed its welcome for me. I love winter and snow but admit to needing some warmth right now. My own protest involves buying bare root peonies and columbine bulbs - even though its much too cold to plant them yet. Your onion painting shows vigorous and exuberant brush strokes!

  2. Irina, I love the painting and I love your aunt's attitude. The added texture from the paints bought in the summer is perfect.

  3. What a joy to think of onions and then to see that bright painting when there is still snow outdoors.

  4. This is a great way to bring nature indoors, 3 bulbs in a pot, that would grow big! Love the colors n textures you got here, look forward to more acrylic works from you Irina!

  5. Love the use of textures, add to the piece perspective and a sense of vivid! Abrazos

  6. Winter won't go away here too. Everyone is complaining about the cold, but we don't get -12, only cold eastern wind. I like your aunt's idea, and I like the texture and the bold colours of your painting, Irina. I hope to get back to painting soon.

  7. I hope your aunt will get many new onions from her bulbs :-) Spring seems to be nowhere this year...even here in Italy rain is on the menu almost every day ! Well. of course not as bad as snow :-)

  8. i particularly love the bowl and the way you've handled light in this.

  9. the green shoots make it irina ...great title !

  10. I love this shiny round red pot - attracted me like a magnet. Just like your aunt I've been getting impatient with the long winter and started planting seeds in pots :)

  11. Wise aunt! She brought life into the house and a good subject for your painting!


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