April 16, 2010

Studio Atelie Challenge, Crocus and Christmas Tree

24x32cm, 300gr. (9,5"x12,5" 140lbs) Lana paper
Today I decided to put aside all my hard work for a while. Enough, I need a break. So I took my favourite watercolours and concentrated on my favourite birds.
The idea of this birds was taken from Studio Atelie challenge. I think challenges are the best way to get in touch with other painters without leaving my studio. And to see so many talented works.
I have put a lot of links to challenges on my "Links" page, see above if interested to participate.
I did this piece on Lana paper. I give it "4-" mark (on scale from 1 to 5, where "1"mark is given to Russian paper and "5+" is given to Arches).

I could not help pass by this little flower. It is the  first to show. "The constant tin soldier" in yet cold and waking up from winter Moscow land. I like the winners. Why do they always go alone?

I found in my Georgia folder (I went to Georgia  in December) and want to share with you this image. Guess what it is. The Georgians call it  Christmas tree for the poor. They decorate it with candies, dried fruits and put it on the table during celebration.

They made of wooden chock, sliced with very sharp knife.

I think that it is very ecologically right (from the point of view of the pines and firs) and so very


  1. Nice work in your "bird" painting! The flower (A Crocus?) would be a nice painting as well! What are the "Christmas Trees" made of?

    I was happy to see that you're painting!

    Ken B.

  2. Congratulations, amasing artwork with your birds.
    My best regards

  3. You have so much talent and it comes out in your blog and you post today. Thanks for visiting my blog and for posting a comment.

  4. Ken, thank you! The Georgian Christmas trees are made of wooden chock, sliced with very sharp knife.
    Murilo, thank you!
    Abe, I wish you health so much! And thank you for visiting.


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