July 3, 2010

Organised Chaos

A4, Ink pen
Saturday, time for my drawing class. Today I had to choose location inside the studio and sketch it, the lesson was aiming at feel for the composition.

And, to add color to my post, I decided to share my morning experiment with camera features. As it turned out,  camera can swap the colors. And my first wish was to fool the flowers. I just can not imagine what will happen when I learn Photoshop...


  1. I like your "chaos" very much! Your skill is improving remarkably in a short time. Good for you. Your photo is really interesting as well - if you get Photoshop there will be no boundaries for you. :-)

    I'm proud of your progress.

    Ken B.

  2. nice posting with beautiful photograph...
    the swapping of colors worked well...

  3. I liked the details you have shown in organized Chaos.. how did you think of the nice title! The details go out to show the level of your patience:-) Loved the pic too, with photoshop, you have no boundaries!

  4. Ken, thank you so much.
    Jyothisethu, thank you!
    Padmaja, to tell the truth, there were million more items on that shelves and around, I could go crazy drawing, considering my "love" for details. So I corrected the view. A bit :-)))

  5. Such wonderful detail in your sketch!

    I like the photograph, too. Isn't it fun to play with technology?


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