September 19, 2011

Portrait Sketching

I asked mom: "Will you sit and pose for me, I need to practice portrait painting. But probably you will not recognize yourself and you will have to sit still for more then 1 hour?" She was very dedicated "painter's mother", so she agreed.  I managed to do this sketch in 40 minutes, tried to be quick and not to make her get tired, so missed several very important measurements checkings.. Her interest was huge and she asked me when saw the result: "Is it a woman?")))

I found fountain pen with blue ink on my way to the office. Fell in love from first sight and drew in blue all day long..
When waiting in the traffic jam I saw the man on the other side of the road, at the bus stop, waiting, too. I liked how the trees were surrounding the plastic construction and tried to catch their shapes.


  1. You have a good mother Irina:-) Now , of course I don't know how much it looks like her, but it is very well done.
    And from the two others I specially like the last one, you are a very good sketcher.

  2. I love the portrait of your mother, Irina! I see family resemblance!

  3. Hi Irina, I really admire your perseverance to achieve the result....your sketch portrait looks fine to me, even if I do not how much looks like your mother. Well done!

  4. The blue ink sketch is awesome!
    And,I am so very touched by your mom;s patience to sit through the session.. with the intention of daughter dear being able to create something close to her heart!

  5. Love your work with ink. You draw so well! Your mother's portrait is so special - a chance for the 2 of you to share in a moment. She looks very contemplative. And I just love the blue ink sketch!

  6. Nice ink work, especially the portrait. I need to do some ink work myself. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Jane, thank you! Drawing improves with practice, I know))
    Judy, thank you!
    Tito, I hope someday watercolor will give up to my perseverance. Thank you so much.
    Padmaja, thank you! As I am always high speed person, she was happy to have her girl around and to talk to her non-stop for 40 minutes))).
    Nancy, thank you soo much!
    Tim, thank you, I like sketching, it clears my head.


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