May 13, 2012

Montenegro Sketches. Cats' Bonus

Herceg Novi
 Another great advantage of outdoor sketching besides drawing practice is keep a dairy effect: when I look at the painting above, the sunny May 2nd, 2012 returns back. And I see myself on stone bench located above the amazing beauty of Savina monastery in Herceg Novi, Montenegro, I hear the birds songs and the strong scents of spring-the winner.

I have recently found new Russian sites with cats' photos. Are you in love with cats as I do? Then look here and here. And maybe you will decide to subscribe in your Google reader or whatever you use for daily blogging. Aaahhh, cats!


  1. Love the gorgeous colors and the execution of these sketches, and they really tell a story . xx

  2. Fabulous sketches Irina! It's nice to have such wonderful memories! I am not a cat person, but the cat photos are beautiful!

  3. i feel the same about photographs. when you look at the image you took years ago so many sensory memories come flooding back. i can well imagine that the time you spend in one place painting would further weave those memories into your brain to be recalled each time you view the painting. this is an outstanding observation, irina. perhaps viewers pick up on the artist's experience of place and that is why they are drawn to the painting. i'm certainly drawn to this one.

  4. Those are wonderful, Irina!! You will smile every time you look back on those!! : ))

  5. Querida Irina: se nota la evolución en tus dibujos, cada vez más bellos, y en la capacidad de síntesis. Creo que tú y yo llevamos un mismo camino, practicando, cada vez con mejores resultados. Enhorabuena, estos sketches son fantásticos.

  6. Irina, thank you for your concern about my lack of posts, but no worries, I will be posting soon. These are great studies by the way.

  7. These watercolor sketchs are absolutely the travel guide too

  8. Brilliant ones Irina, the first one is a tough cookie, you handled it with so much of precision!

  9. Hi Irina.
    Deine Bilder sind bezaubernd. Die Zeichnung und die Kolorierung einfach fantastisch.
    Grüsse Dich herzlichst

  10. these are fantastic irina esp like the second pen and wash ..we were there last august's beautiful


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