August 7, 2012

"Dacha" life

These days inspiration lives in Moscow neighborhood, at summer house of my parents, "dacha".

Dragonfly. It drowned itself in the milk prepared for the cats. I washed the dead body and prepared it for photo shooting. Few minutes after the shooting was over, the dead body returned to life and dragonfly flied away. Unexpectedly.  Nature is such a stress for me, city thing...


  1. Great sketch Irina! And I am glad you saved the dragonfly's life! A miracle!

  2. beautifully detailed sketch of the dacha, wonderful dragonfly story.

  3. Um trabalho muito especial, cheio de encanto campestre! Parabéns!
    M. Emília

  4. It must be a wonderful neighborhood with all the trees and plants that I see in the sketch.

    Strange about the dragonfly. Perhaps not drowned, just intoxicated on too much milk.

  5. Judy, thank you! To tell the truth, there was no humanity in my 911 service, only pure curiosity))

    Thank you my dear Brattcat!

    Thank you, Maria Emilia!

    Judy, you are so true: it is heaven, full of oxygen. But I am poisoned with city life)). Intoxicated? This info gives extra swing to my knowledge of nature..

  6. Beautiful and sensitive ink drawing of "dacha" and resuscitation of the dragonfly funny, it hurts not being able to do the same when we have stress in the city

  7. Your Dacha sketch is really superb, Irina! I just love it. Lovely story about the resurrection of the dragonfly!

  8. Irina, your sketch is just fantastic! It has a Van Gogh feel to it, he sketched like that. Wonderful.

  9. i esp like your "dacha" sketch irina


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