October 24, 2016

The Buddies

When collecting travel bag, I do not care a lot about t-shirts and trousers. But I know that shoes are the most important part of the gear and one needs at least two (better three) pairs to feel good every new day on long hikes.
Here I wanted to pay tribute to my boots, my buddies, which made my hiking full of pleasure and relax.
I want to advertise Merrell (for free), as my shoes were amazingly comfortable for many miles I walked during this USA journey and many other tours during many years before.


  1. They really pop out and feel so real! Hope to see some works from your US trip :-)

    1. Thank you, Padmaja! It is strange, but all American images/emotions/impressions boil inside me and do not want to go out. But I'll wait.

  2. Oh wow you did an amazing job on these shoes, they do look very comfy , an absolute favorite !

    1. Thank you Jane! Foot wear gives me endless inspiration, since I've seen Mr. Van Gogh's old boots!

  3. What a great painting, Irina! They look very comfy, so important to have good shoes. Oh, and a little late.... happy birthday!

  4. Wonderful tribute to the boots! You are right, the shoes are most important for a happy hike.

  5. You had a birthday? Happy birthday!
    I like this painting. And thanks for the recommendation. Good shoes are important!

    1. Thank you, Petrea! I will be happy if you like this brand.


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