December 29, 2010

Kotor Doors

A5, Ink and waterbrush

Strange, but I like these black and whites. Why strange? I am color addict, color radiates energy, attitude, passion.
The ink is more structured and exact, disciplined.
And my new fountain pen has great clever nib, comfort matters here too)).

These are doors in Kotor, Montenegro. Every door worth a story.
And more of quick sketches while waiting for people or events (very relaxing activity).
The corner of two buildings in Kotor.
And my bags (yes, it is a bag, this strange "thing" in the bottom of the sketch), unfinished.

I keep posting London.
That day I had "Irina, be a normal tourist!" agenda. So here are St.Paul's, Tower, Westminster. So energy-consuming agenda. I could walk for hours non-stop in the woods, and was dead tired after short period of "big sites touring" in the city)))
St.Paul's from Millennium Bridge
Tower's inhibitants
Banal photo, I know.


  1. Двери отличные. и как им эта техника подходит.

  2. interesting drawing and pictures...
    congratulations &


  3. I like the doors. I am also enjoying the pictures of your trip:)

  4. Que la ilusión y la esperanza sigan llamando a la puerta en el nuevo año que llega,
    y que se cumplan tus deseos.

    ¡¡¡Feliz año 2011!!!

  5. I have been away and am just catching up with my favorite blogs such as yours. I spent only a day in Kotor, but it was indeed charming. We by chance happened to step inside the orthodox church while the priests were conducting a ceremony, although that might not be as unusual an experience for you, as it might resemble what occurs in Russia, but it was fascinating for us.

  6. Катя, спасибо огромное, но ты меня перехваливаешь..
    Jyothisethu, thank you! My warmest holiday wishes to you and yours!
    Judy, thank you. The trip was great, not only visually, but emotionally.
    Ricardo, it is so true and so sweet, thank you!
    Dave, I read the part about "favoutire blogs" twice)), thank you. Interesting that even when we have the same orthodox church, the service is a bit different, I was very interested too. Montenegro is beautiful.


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