December 28, 2010


A3, Oil pastel

I was trying to be free and relaxed here, had the idea to draw the Swadhisthana chakra (wiki writes about it here) in some abstract manner, which turned into this flower.
I used oil pastels, then brush with solvent (it thinned the pastels and mixed the colors, then oil pastel again when the solvent dried). Breathed a lot of chemical, felt funny...

Now few London photos, they help to keep the fragile memories alive.
That day I went to Oxford by train.
Christ Church Meadow.
The town of young inhabitants, everyone rolling a suitcase. It was my first impression. Only young people. Leaving the town rolling the suitcase behind (it was Saturday morning, they were going home for week-end)).
River Cherwell
Trees, older then old.
After oxigen-free Moscow I could not stop doing deep breaths there, trying to breath fresh air as a reserve.

You can not be loser-student when you live in such decorations. You just can not.


  1. Bonjour Irina, merci pour tes bons bonne et heureuse anée à venir !
    Bonne suite dans ton travail de croquis et peintures..à+

  2. Beautiful flower, Irina! And what memories come to my mind from your photos in and around London! a two-month stay of several years ago (13 !)... one of the best periods of my life ... Happy New Year, dear Irina!

  3. Beautiful and intense flower. I love that colours.


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